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70-341 Exam : Design and manage an Exchange infrastructure (25%)

70-341 Exam : Design and manage an Exchange infrastructure (25%)

  • Plan for impact of Exchange on Active Directory services
    • Plan the number of domain controllers; plan placement of Global Catalog (GC); determine DNS changes required for Exchange; prepare domains for Exchange; evaluate impact of schema changes required for Exchange; plan around Active Directory site topology
  • Administer Exchange workload management
    • Monitor system workload events; monitor user workload events; manage workload throttling settings
  • Plan and manage Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
    • Determine appropriate RBAC roles and cmdlets; limit administration using existing role groups; evaluate differences between RBAC and Active Directory split permissions; configure a custom-scoped role group; configure delegated setup
  • Design an appropriate Exchange solution for a given SLA
    • Plan for updates; plan for change management; design a solution that meets SLA requirements around scheduled downtime; design a solution that meets SLA requirements around RPO/RTO; design a solution that meets SLA requirements around message delivery

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